Saturday, February 28, 2009

Mine, Yours?

You say something is "yours" but really, is it? What does that mean? Whatever it means, it means not yours truly fixed in space and time. We can understand this on many levels -- that "mine" and "yours" are both perceptions in a place and time, and not absolute. Because everything is always moving and changing, no thing is constant, and thus all that can be ours is in an instant only a concept and not a thing in the first place.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Complete and Incomplete

How can one understand complete without knowing incomplete. Perfect without imperfect. Only by withdrawing from completeness could God create our incomplete and imperfect world. And only by being incomplete can we endeavor to know the completeness and perfection of God. If we were complete, then we would not be at all. God already knew perfection. Infinity knows only completeness. He created us in the material world so that he could tollerate and experience our imperfection and know even more his own perfection.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Challenge and Posture

Difficult circumstances or people in our lives are like difficult or challenging postures on the Yoga mat. Some postures are both diffucult to embrance and hard in which to find ease. Yet these postures add texture and depth to our practice, and they prepare us to take on the challenges that life offers. They prepare us to take on even greater challenges, those that we all eventually face. By standing on the edge on the mat we learn that can handle being on the edge in life. From the edge we can see what lies beyond. Informed, we can imagine moving beyond where we currently rest. We also learn that we don't have to face these challenges alone, or better said, that we never do face them alone. There is always grace to support us.