Saturday, July 12, 2008

Be Again

I have been busy doing rather than being.
This morning a few thoughts came to me.

One is that the words being and begin
share the same letters,
with the placement of "G"
as their only difference.

Second is that "begin"
is probably contracted from "be again"
and "again" from "a gain."

So that "begin" means
to be increased back
to what I once was.
It does not simply mean "to start."

Both "being" and "begin"
share the same root "be."
Which is at the root
of what we are, what we do
-- exist.

We are not simply doing acts --
rather we are sustained by our actions,
and thus we are "beings."

Each day is a chance,
a gift, to "begin" --
to "be again."
And for that gift, this day, I am thankful.