Thursday, November 26, 2009

And for this too I am thankful

This was a tough week for us with Molly on Monday seriously, painfully, and thankfully not liklely permanently, injuring both feet... and for now being unable to walk... and thus being home bound.. and offering herself to our constant care 24x7... for at least two weeks and probably closer to four. A test, an opportunity, a present? Well I guess so. Certainly a chance to remain present and to expand my capacity to offer and receive unconditional love. And so for this too I am to find how to be thankful.

Only by finding a weak link can a chain be strengthened. So too with me. If I am never asked to lift somethng heavier than I thought I could lift, how will I learn which muscles need work? Only by revealing yet another place with room for infinite growth can expansion of my capacity to love take place. Only by being asked to find light in a situation that seems so dark, will I learn which parts of my heart and mind need to open up to new possibilities... a renewed sense of God's unconditional light and love.

As in the words of Morris West (from The Clowns of God)...

I know what are you thinking.
You need a sign.
What better one could I give
than to make this little one whole and new?
I could do it; but I will not.
I am the Lord and not a conjurer.
I gave this mite a gift I denied to all of you
To you she looks imperfect
but to me she is flawless,
like the bud that dies unopened,
or the fledglings
that fall from the nest to be devoured by ants.
She never offended me,
as all of you have done.
She never perverted the work of My Father hands.
She is necessary to you.
She will evoke the kindness that will prompt you to
gratitude for (your) own good fortune....more.....
she will remind you every day that I am who I am,
that My ways are not yours,
and the smallest dust mite whirled in darkest
space does not fall out of my hand.
I have chosen you.
you have not chosen me.
this little one is my sign to you.

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